My New Hobby

Did you know that I love yarn? I love yarn so much that I collect it, but here's the sad part. I don't know how to knit. I've tried, I really have, but I just couldn't get into counting stitches or remembering if the needles go over or under the stitch. It was too complicated for me. I even bought a loom once, but I could only do one kind of stitch from it. I felt pretty limited in what I could do and I ended up giving it away. I also gave up on learning to knit, but I still collected yarn, I couldn't help it. I love all the colors and how cozy the yarn makes me feel. I now have a really good reason and purpose to collect yarn. My new hobby obsession is weaving. It's also kitty approved!

I absolutely love weaving. One day I was having a moment trying to figure out a way to keep my life balanced and not work all the time. I really enjoy being creative so I wanted to try something that wasn't too hard or time consuming. I ended up finding this perfect little website from Pinterest. It's Hello Hydrangea and the owner extrodinaire is Lyndsey Campbell. How can you not fall in love with each and every one of her woven tapestries? She even offers a Monthly Weaving Series, hello sign me up!

The bohemian beach bum in me ended up purchasing a loom, her books, and I joined her Monthly Weaving Series. I keep busy, but I'm pretty sure I can manage making one woven tapestry a month. I made the tapestry in the photo above from one of Lyndsey's books, it's called "The Sampler". It's a great way to experiment and play around with all the different type of stitches and knots that there are. It proudly hangs up in my kitchen next to some of my paintings. I'm also all ready to start making another one, it's addictive. Another bonus I like is you don't have to complete a project in a day. I can work on it for a bit, walk away, and come back whenever I want and don't have to worry about forgetting a stitch. My biggest challenge is that my kitty would like to get involved. I can't blame him. He constantly watches the long strands of yarn move and dangle in front him, it's pretty hard to resist. It just begs play with me.

It's so nice to be creative and make something without having to worry about someone buying it. Most of my hobbies have always found themselves in my business in one form or another. I also found a really great way to use my found pieces of driftwood I collect each time I walk on the beach. Don't let this fiber art hobby intimidate you. I'm starting small and I'm going to gradually work my way up to much larger tapestries. If you're looking for a hobby and you like yarn, check out the Hello Hydrangea website. CLICK HERE TO VISIT HELLO HYDRANGEA

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