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Oregon Jewelry

Oregon Jewelry

Oregon Jewelry

The Oregon beaches are absolutely stunning and make up about 363 miles of magnificent coastline! Oregon, the state known as the Pacific Wonderland, is known for it's fantastic and picturesque coastline. It's incredible when you look at the coast and the beaches in Oregon to see what Mother Nature is really capable of. The beaches in Oregon range anywhere from a rocky seashore to deep canyons and some of the beaches are surrounded by the mountains or the forest. The Pacific Ocean water off of Oregon's coast is still very cold no matter what season it is, even if you are a seasoned Pacific Northwesterner. I love how beautiful the beach sand in Oregon is. Some of the beach sand in Oregon is very course with a mix of dark sediments and some of it is very fine and soft depending on what part of the beach you go to.  

The Oregon beach destinations that we currently have available in our beach sand jewelry collection are Cannon Beach, Gearhart Beach, Gold Beach, Manzanita sand, Rockaway Beach, and Seaside Beach. In addition to this collection, you can always send us your own Oregon beach sand to use for your beach sand jewelry.

We have many different styles of beach sand jewelry available.  Beach Sand Earrings, Beach Sand Bracelets, Beach Sand Necklaces, and Beach Sand Rings are all available to choose from. We have a Classic Jewelry Collection, Artisan Jewelry Collection, and a Bohemian Jewelry Collection. Each piece of our original beach sand jewelry is handmade in Maine. We use quality materials such as stainless steel and sterling silver as well as glass on top of the beach sand. Our beach jewelry using sand is one of the most unique and beautiful ways to wear your Beachdashery Jewelry all year long!

Beachdashery also gives back to non-profit and charitable organizations that protect the oceans and the beaches.  A portion of the proceeds of each purchase help support these organizations. Beachdashery is committed to doing everything we can to support the oceans and the beaches. 

© Beachdashery Jewelry®
Made in Maine since 2004.