Washington has over 157 miles of coastline that doesn't include any of the bays, inlets, or even Puget Sound. I consider the beaches to be off the beaten path and not really developed. Beautiful, simple, clean, and quiet, Washington beaches are the perfect place to relax and escape reality for a little bit. I lived in Washington for a couple of years and no matter what season it ever was, as a Florida girl, the water was COLD! It's one of the few memories I have that will always stay with me. The Pacific ocean nor Puget Sound ever warms up much at all. If you are like me, chances are you'll be spending most of your time on the sand on a Washington beach. You can also visit during low tide to admire the many tide pools or see holes in the sand from the razor clams. The beaches in Washington will always have my heart!
The Washingtonbeach destinations that we currently have available in our beach sand jewelry collection are Alki Beach, Cape Disappointment Beach, Golden Gardens Beach, Long Beach, Ocean Shores, and Owen Beach. In addition to this collection, you can always send us your own Washingtonbeach sand to use for your beach sand jewelry.
Beachdashery also gives back to non-profit and charitable organizations that protect the oceans and the beaches. A portion of the proceeds of each purchase help support these organizations. Beachdashery is committed to doing everything we can to support the oceans and the beaches.